Leon-Step Two

Leon watched as from the the very top of the castle as Vic dropped down toward the group. "I think it's time to start step 2.", he said as he smiled and walked out of the rain. The rain contiuned to pour and it was difficult to see now. Leon came to a large stone door and it opened before him. He stepped inside and in the middle, was a gigantic statue of a cloaked figure wearing armor. Leon smiled and blood trickled down his chin. "No, not now...just a bit longer.", he said as he released the magic held in the guantlet into the statue. "LEON, WHY HAVEN'T YOU DEALT WITH THEM YET!", a voice boomed. "Sorry Chronos, we've had some interesting problems!", Leon laughed. "HURRY LEON, OR I WON'T BE ABLE TO HELP YOU WITH THE SICKNESS!", the voice boomed again. "I AM ONE OF THE ONLY GODS THAT CHOSE TO TO HELP YOU, AND NOT SIT IN MY THRONE!", Chronos shouted. "Alright, I now it can get cramped in that statue but just hold on.", Leon said as he finished emptying the gauntlet and left the room.


I awoke and grabbed Vic's leg. "W-what did you put in me...", I said as he looked down at me. "Well now, didn't expect you to awake so fast.", Victor said. I stumbled to my feet. "Take me to him...to Leon!", I shouted as Victor kicked me away. "Sorry, but no. Leon's busy right now.", he said. My vision was hazy and I felt sick. I screamed as more wings grew out of me for a total of 60 wings. Not just that, I even had four silver horns on the sides of my head. "Well, that's new!", Victor snickered as he punched me. I tightened my fist and there was a double sided scythe there. "All right, you will get out of my way!", I shouted as I spun toward him and twirled my scythe. Victor dodged and noticed that we were in a pool of water. "Ah, so that's what he plans to do here.", Victor said as he smiled. "Looks like I've got to run now, hope you can swim well!", he said as he took to the skies. Everyone seemed to be gone, then I noticed that there was a door leading to the castle. "Good, everyone is inside then.", I sighed. I took a deep breath and in a flash of light, I became a dragon. I burst into the skies after Victor. I caught up and hook and claw around his leg as we both went down on top of the castle. "What in the-", he choked as I swept at him and he flipped away.
