Victor -- Thoughts

Victor carried Asuka away from Moonsong and Leon. He looked into her blank staring eyes and felt a twinge somewhere deep down. . .he had rather liked Asuka in his own twisted way. They had been rivals, always picking on and sabotaging each other, vying for Leon's attention. Carrying her to a cell, Victor opened the door and placed her gently down, closing her vacant eyes and, taking two gold coins out of his pocket he shook his head.
"This should be more than enough for the ferryman, dear."
And with that he placed them on her eyes.
"Maybe someday I'll be able to join you, eh? If I could die. . ." He added as an after thought.
Walking glumly back to the room he saw Leon and Moonsong still talking, no, arguing. Lord! This was not a good day.
"Kill them all while no one is looking" The Whispers giggled.
"Shut up!" Victor muttered fiercely.
"Victor!" Moonsong, spotting him, shouted. "WHY don't you STOP him?! You know what he's doing now! He's going to destroy the worlds!"
"It's only two of them." Victor shrugged.
"You mean you knew?!" She gasped in horror.
"Sure I did. Leon told me when I first joined him! Unlike Asuka, I know it's for the greater good. After all, humans are rotted to the core. The only way to save them is to kill them; only then will we have world peace. I understand this, I believe in it." Victor looked at Leon and smiled; Leon returned the smile and nodded slightly.
Victor continued "Killing the humans is the only way, besides. Leon is going to leave the animals alone, so why should I care. Everyone I knew is. . ." he paused for a moment "dead to me."
"B-but that's illogical! Animals aren't humans, Victor. Humans are so much more than just evil. There are good ones, believe me! I know them." She pleaded with him.
"Oh!" Snapped Victor "Like the ones you're travailing with?! You don't know them Moonsong, you can't see their auras of hate and loathing. Why do you think they're here? Because they couldn't stand being on earth! That's why the Gods chose them, you. Because deep down you all hated your life. The goodness you insist is there is only a facade, girl. Deep down everyone is disgusting, mangled, and rotted. The sooner you see that the better off you will be." With that Victor turned to Leon "She's in a cell, Leon. I don't think that I should bother you anymore with your work, so I'll be in my room if you need anything at all. I'm sick of trying to talk sense into that girl over there. She can't see." The other man nodded, and without another word Victor swept out of the room.
