
I flew along beside Hela as best I could, trying not to lose Moonsong's aura-scent. Finally, we seemed to hit the edge of the storm and flying became much easier. Moonsong's scent got stronger too, so I knew we must be getting closer. "We're almost there, I think" I said to Hela who nodded. I wasn't looking forward to facing off with Leon or Victor, but I wanted to save my friend. Besides, part of me was morbidly curious to find out what Spati's brother was planning and what he needed Moonsong so much for.

When we reached the shore, I landed and Hela followed suit. Apparently, she and/or Spati had decided to follow my lead. Great.

We had walked only a short distance when we came to a cave. The sickening smell of tainted magic told me that we had to go in to investigate--most likely, this was where Moonsong was.

The cave was like no other I had ever seen. Strange, reinforced rooms lined the passageway, and it was well-lit (for a cave, at any rate).

I was just about to say something about it to Hela, when a figure stepped out of the shadows.
