Victor -- Fake Melissa

"Oh, Vicky. You're decor really needs to cheerful colors!" Melissa simpered. She looked around as if trying to find something to bother him about. Victor ignored her, he had enough to deal with right now! He just wanted to sleep, why wouldn't she leave him alone?
"Oh. . ." She saw the flower. "Is that the rose I gave you on your graduation?"
"No, I just like red roses." Replied Victor sharply.
"But it looks just like it. . .I" She paused as if trying to remember.
The red head looked at her suspiciously. "You're. . .different" his eyes narrowed. "Who? No, what are you here for?" Victor sniffed the air " you have a definite sent to you and" He paused to squint "you have an aura. . ." Victor's eyes widened. "YOU!"
Melissa looked at him and smiled, "Oh come on Vicky how could I not be me?! I knew about the flower."
"Ah? Really. Then what was the first thing you said to me after I had gone on to college?"
Melissa paused and screwed up her delicate face in thought. Oh shit, she thought to herself; he's blocking his memory. What am I going to do?!
"I said, 'congratulations Vicky.'"
"No! You said 'Oh look, little Vicky is now a fag. How cute.'" Victor advanced, blood dripped on the black and white checkered floor.
"You're just an imitation; I can tell. You've all the evil of a baby. Melissa was so much more than that." The blood turned into a deadly scarlet rapier.
"H-hey now!" Hela wondered just what kind of person Melissa really was! She couldn't see into Victor's mind anymore; he had closed it off. Victor was altogether too good at that for her comfort.
"You made a bad choice, girl. You could have picked anyone else but you chose her. I don't suppose you saw how much I loathed her, no, you only saw the hold she has over me and SHUT UP." The last remark was made to someone Hela could not see. She looked around frantically; no one was there.
"I'M NOT GOING TO. PISS OF AND BOTHER SOMEONE ELSE." a teal welled up in Victor's eye, he sunk to the ground and clutched at his head.
Hela was seriously freaked out.
"Got to help, save the girl. Poor Asuka, he didn't have to do that. NO! He did! You're BLIND. Go to hell. I am not a killer."
"Victor. . .?"
"I didn't think, don't belong." Victor's broken sentences were seriously creeping Hela out, but at the same time she was almost pitying the man crouched in agony. Then she heard the whisper.
"Leon is the only one who will accept you for who you are, Victor. You saw them after you came back. They couldn't see you, they couldn't hear you, they didn't care. Kill them all, boy. That is who you are."
Hela shuddered, that voice was the kind that seeped into your soul and made you go crazy. It was the kind of voice that only the very twisted and hurt people could hear.
"I erased. . ." Victor's breathing was belabored "their memories. I didn't want to bother them. It's alright if no one remembers me. Not their FAULT."
Hesitantly Hela reached out and touched Victor's shoulder, flinching when his head shot up and she saw that his eyes were bleeding.
"Get out." He started to rise "GET THE HELL OUT."
Hela hesitated but began to back off when the air around him turned sharp, his hair and clothes started to whip around.
"VICTOR. STOP. I CAN HELP." She screamed at him, trying to distract his anger, and to her amazement it looked like it had worked.
". . .help?"
"You're not evil like Leon is, Victor. I know. I saw into you, you don't have to follow him. I understand that people have only hurt you when you tried to get close and to trust, but I won't. I don't betray people and kill them just because they've lost their use to me."
Victor sneered "How could you know what happened to me?"
"You could help me understand. Show me your past! I can help."
"Believe me, Hela or Spati, whoever you are; you couldn't deal with my past. Both the in the human world and here in the Otherworld."
"I could try."
