Hela- Talk with Victor

Victor stared at Hela. "I can try to understand.", I said as I sat on the ground before him. "Because you know Victor, I've heard many sad tales from the souls I carried to the ferry man.", I said as I smiled. "So why are you so cheerful?", he said as he glared at me. "If you've heard so many sad things, then why are you not depressed? You should know then how corrupt humans are adn yet you go against Leon?", Victor said. Hela laughed. "Yeah, you're right. Humans can be cruel beings...but, there is something Leon could never see.", I said as Victor glanced at me. "Yeah, and what is it?", Victor scoffed. "You should now Victor, after all you've had so many people hurt like Niddhogg.", I said. I must have hit a switch, because he looked angry. "What do you mean?", he said. "Hope!", I said. "Hope? Why hope, it doesn't have anything to do with this.", Victor said as he looked down at his hands. "Simple, hope is what we have when we lose everything else...it's what keeps us moving when we've lost our dreams, ambitions, and friends. Hope, is what YOU used when you found out about Niddhogg. You didn't stop, you kept on moving and helped my group in so many ways.", I continued without pause. Victor sat there and listened. "How did you know about Niddhogg? You weren't with us at the time?", he said as he looked back at me. "I'm always watching over everyone who enters the otherworlds, even those who are from here like you, or Ralph, or the gods.", I said as I waved my hands in fromt of me. A small ball of light floated there and showed Victor all the things Hela has seen. "Wait, isn't that-", Victor said as he looked up and I paused the orbs movement. "Oh, yes...Chronos. I figured you would know him. Has Leon ever spoken about him?", I asked as Victor thought about it. "Why do you ask?", he said. "Simple, the god Chronos, is my ex!", I laughed. "He's your what?", he said. "My ex. We had a falling out right before Leon killed off the outer elven towns to obtain magic.", I explained as I continued the memory orb. "He's the reason why Leon is acting the way he is, and his goal...", I trailed off. "What's his goal?", Victor picked up. "Chronos' goal is to overthrow the rest of us gods/goddesses, and in turn, rewrite the world.", I said as I stared into the orb. "So now then, tell me...why you are here?", I said.
