Victor -- Horrors

"Why am I here?" Victor snickered "That's a deep question, girl."
"Hey, I'm not kidding here, we need help and you know the most about this situation besides Leon, and I doubt he'll tell any of us this!"
Victor laughed out loud at that "He won't eh? Hahaha, oh Lord, why don't you just ASK him? He'll spill his guts. I mean, he just has to brag. EVERYONE needs to know how diabolical he is; it's this issue he has with attention. Sometimes I think that's why he decided to be a evil scientist."
Hela stared in wonder at Victor who was still sniggering gleefully on the floor.
"Are you going to help us or not?" she asked irritably.
Victor wiped away a tear from his eye and looked at Hela "How about this, since you've really improved my mood I'll give you a little tidbit."
The anticipation was so intense you could have cut it with a knife, Victor liked to be dramatic. "I could have been a god" He started "I could have, but I chose not to. I'm afraid I was persuaded by Niddhogg to slaughter a whole temple of people. I don't justify my actions, I don't need to. It was a horrible thing to do." He sighed "I suppose it'd be easier to show you." Victor leaned toward Hela, but she shied away.
"I'm not going to attack you! I said I'd help with whatever I can, since you amused me."
Hela eyed him suspiciously as Victor placed two fingers to her head.

Suddenly they were both standing in a cavernous hall made of marble. Two people were conversing quietly as they hurried on their way.
Hela looked in amazement at the young Victor; he was so different. He looked, well, younger. Not that he had aged much, but his eyes didn't look so world weary and he didn't swagger around like did now. The man next to him was none other then Niddhogg.
"Hey Vic," He was whispering urgently "meet me tonight in the usual place. I don't want Them to find out."
Victor nodded "I'll do my best, but Master Ceri has those all seeing eyes, and I don't want to be like Elise." They both shuddered.
"That old goat isn't really into boys though, so you'd get away with a beating at most."
"Are you kidding? He beat Thomas to death, I know because I was the one who had to dispose of the body. And do you know what Ceri did it for? Thomas asked him if he could let them stop because Jenna had a broken leg."
"I'll get even with Them." Hissed Niddhogg.
Victor looked uncertain, "Morte. . .I don't think you should be talking like that, someone might hear you and" He was cut off by a loud whistle. They both looked at each other and ran off in different directions.
The background faded and then a different scene appeared. Niddhogg and Victor were sneaking across some woods; the two of them were older, 15 as opposed to 12. They both were dressed in dark skin tight clothing, their faces and necks were covered in some black paint. Around their waists were belts with two knives and some various pouches; slung across their backs was a pack of vicious looking arrows, and a crossbow was in a holster around their chests.
A girl appeared on the horizon she signaled for them to move by making a swift gesture with her arm. A group of five figures, including Victor and Niddhogg, swiftly entered a mansion. Through the hall and up the stairs they moved, making no sound. They split into teams of two while the girl, who was obviously the commander stayed behind to watch for unexpected encounters.
Victor and Niddhogg silently opened a door; they crept up until they were right next to two cribs. Two children were sleeping peacefully in them; both girls. One of them was sucking her thumb contentedly.
The boys looked at each other, nodded, and raised their daggers.
The scenery went black and the scenery changed again. This time they were in front of a gigantic temple made of marble. A girl was tied to a post, Niddhogg was standing in front of her holding a sword. By him was an older woman dressed in loose linen pantsuit.
"Do it, Morte."
Niddhogg licked his lips "With pleasure." He replied.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Screamed Victor, he was the same age now as when he had first appeared to the group, two large and muscular men were holding him back with some difficulty. "MORTE, NO. PLEASE." Tears were streaming down his face.
The girl looked at Victor and smiled bravely and Niddhogg plunged the sword into her stomach and made a vicious twist with his weapon, disemboweling her perfectly.
A loud anguishing howl escaped from Victor's lips as he sank to the ground. Niddhogg looked at him and sneered.
Victor looked up, his eyes clouded over in rage and pain.
"I just killed your girl." Taunted Niddhogg. "COME ON! KILL US ALL."
Another howl leaped from Victor's lips as he jumped to his feet.
Suddenly the a huge chainsaw like weapon appeared in his hand, Niddhogg was taken aback. He hadn't expected that!
"COME TO ME, MOTHER OF DEATH AND DARKNESS. GUIDE THIS WEAPON, LET IT TURN ALL THE DISEASE TO DUST. LET THE DESTRUCTION REIGN." Victor screamed, his eyes had started to glow, while he, himself, was letting off a faint red light. Then a woman with dusty blue skin descended from the clouds, in her hand was a long blood stained spear. The scene sort of blanked out at that point. When it came back into focus it showed bodies littered the ground; the temple had been reduced to rubble and fire had consumed the earth and standing on a pile of dead bodies was Victor, one foot on Niddhogg's chest, in his hand was Niddhogg's still beating heart. Victor crushed it in his fist and jumped down from the bodies, snapping his fingers. A flame ignited somewhere in the pile and started to burn everything.
"Do you still want to see more?" Asked Victor quietly.
