
Hela and I returned with Asuka's body after a bit of flying. "Alright, we're back. We have Asuka with us.", I said as Hela laid her on the ground. "I was able to lead Asuka's soul here too.", Hela said as I sat down. Hi Spati!", Moonsong said as I saw her and Ciel finishing a discussion. "Hi! So, looks like you're a bit better now.", I said as I noticed a new face behind Moonsong. "Eh, who's this?", I said as I looked over at Tessa. "This is Mia.", Tessa replied as I nodded. I checked my side and cringed. "Alright Hela, take control now.", I said as I disappeared and Hela was sitting there. Alright now, so what happened while I was running away from Victor and Leon?", Hela laughed.
