Tessa~ Enter Maria


Spati and Hela rejoined and laughingly asked what had happened. I was about to answer when I collapsed.

Suddenly I was running through the woods, and I had the distinct feeling I was being chased. I turned and was suddenly face to face with someone who seemed to be my mirror image. "Who are you?" I asked her and she just laughed and pushed me to the ground. "Just sit tight here for a while" she told me. "I'm going to take over for a while."


I opened my eyes, knowing that, should I look, I'd see my own face. "Finally" I thought, and grinned. I didn't have much time to think about it though, because everyone was crowded around me. The girl called Hela bent over me. "Tessa? Are you all right?" The others all echoed the same sentiment and I laughed.

"That wimp Tessa is fine" I said carelessly as I sat up. "She's just taking a short break. My name's Maria, and you had better remember it, or we'll have a problem."
