Moonsong~Cio and Ciel

OOOH THAT LITTLE GIRL IS SO CUTE!!!! Almost as cute as Luna. But i have to admit, she might have some compitition. I looked at her and patted her hair and gave her a squeeze a couple of times. My favorite part was her yellow boots. They looked so out of place with her outfit but it was still really cute. I dragged Spati over by the ear even though he insisted he didn't go along well with little girls and i reminded him of Luna. Just the mention of her name she came running out of the brush carrying an armfull of flowers. She immediately ran up to Spati and jumped on his back. I laughed and took the flowers she was holding so she could tustle with Spati. I laughed again as i placed them in my bag. After a while she let go and rolled on the grass.
Then me and Spati went to check out the girl named Cio. She was on Yuuki's lap but that didn't stop me and Spati from bending over and saying hi. We stared there for a while but Ciel wanted to say hi so i wrapped it up quickly.

Then i went over and sat by Ciel. I finally noticed for the first time he had red eyes too. Even though he's charming in every way possible, with his laugh, eyes, looks, and voice, my heart didn't flutter once.


I didn't notice Cio untill the girl named Maria pointed her out to me. I don't like Maria. Tessa was more gentle and kind. This girl has some additude which only i get to use. I didn't give her any flowers.
I wanted to go meet Cio but Yuuki and her were having an intense conversation so i just sat down and watched there emotions. It was so funny.

When i got bored i looked at other people. There was Yuna and Rain fighting then Maria and the new girl Mia talking, Moonsong and Ciel talking. Spati was tending to the fire. I settled on looking at Ciel. Truth be told, he looked really carefree. Someone who wasn't really aggresive. i dont know if he good at fighting or not. He apparently joined recently too. While i was gone picking flowers. What did i miss?

Then i just layed down on the grass and fell asleep. Hopefully someone will wake me up.
