Victor - The Owl

Watching unnoticed from a tall branch perched a Tawney owl, its feathers more red than gray. Mechanical eyes peered at them through the red tinged feathers.
Victor, himself, was sitting in a tower. He smiled as he watched all their antics. So that Tessa girl had split personalities? Mmmm, interesting. A few new people; Mia and Cio. . .He had to admit that they were both cute. The little band had attractive qualities, that was for sure.
Pretty people were something Victor was quite fond of. He knew that he, Victor, was certainly attractive, he also knew that he looked anorexic and rather like a junkie; except without all those nasty pockmarks. The scars along his wrists didn't help and he couldn't say they were all from fights, either. The marks on his back, his legs, his feet, however, he considered to be battle scars; though they had been inflicted far from any fight.
The redhead had found something he could use against the little group. A wicked grin lit up his face. This would was too pretentious to let live, all these Gods and Demi-gods. They needed to be eradicated! Ah to stamp out all the power they had, everything they had ever used against him! Ah, but he could have been a God, he could have ruled the world. Leon, Leon would make all his dreams come true, then he would kindly put his Saviour to sleep. No one ruled over him. He was no fool, Leon thought of him as an x-factor. Unpredictable, and so a threat. Leon would try to wipe Victor out of existence as soon as he was sure that Victor had outlived his usefulness; but until then, Victor knew that Leon would keep him close and on his side.
"Perhaps" He pondered, staring at the projection of Spati's little band of rabble. "Maybe I should lend them a hand, play both sides." He closed his eyes. "Maybe"
