Cio- Weird Dreams


I shot more and more questions at him. He answered a sum of them, others, not really. I then got really tired, so I fell back and fell asleep. I slept behind that log peacefully before some nasty dreams tormented me. I dreamed that I was floating in the sea. It wasn't a warm sea or a friendly one. If it could talk, it would be a real jerk and harass people. I felt like I was being pulled down. Not up. I tired hard once to swim up, but no results were found. I saw a shadow. I looked like a person, but I couldn't make out who.
"I'm coming." Hazed a voice.
"No, don't bother. I really don't mind. It's not like you can do anything against it." I called back. I heard a gasp.
"No, you're wrong. I'm still coming no matter what."
I woke up by rolling over something cold and hard. I jumped fifty feet at the sight of that sword. It was early, like 2 o'clock in the morning. I sat down next to what was left of the fire. I put my hands close to the smoldering coals.
"Who's coming? Why are they even coming?" I thought out loud. I shook my head. It was just a stupid dream. Just a movie from my subconscious. Right?
