
I looked and looked and looked at him as he spoke. Really only catching a few phrases here and there. Finally i got it. When he finally finished he shut his eyes tightly. What did he think i was going to do? Start yelling at him. Finally i touched his cheek and said softly "Hey, its not your fault." This he jerked his head up startling me. "Its not your fault." I said again. "Its Leons. Whatever he needs me for, im not going to willingly do it. And how is it your fault? im confused."
"Because! I was working for him. And if i didn't warn you sooner, we wouldn't be all worried about you getting into your original body!" Ciel said obviously frustrated with me. DId he want it to be his fault?
"Okay, Ciel." I tilted his chin up so he looked directly into my eyes. "Even if you had warned me, we wouldn't have gotten away from him. No matter how far we travel, we can never outrun him. Its like hide and go seek. But he's a very good seeker and we're...not very good hiders. Why do you think were just sitting around talking while the worlds are combining?"
"I was wondering about that." he said distractly.
"Now just calm down and relax. Nobodys going to hold a grudge on you with what happened. Everyones in this together, okay?" i smiled as i saw his mouth widen. "Now go have some fun. Im tired of sounding like a teacher giving a lecture to a student. Go talk to Yuna and Spati or something." And with that i strode off to go find a lake i could swim in.

Just so all of you out there know. Im a big fan of baths but not a big fan of peeping toms! Yes im talking to you Mr. Spati!!!
