Cio- Ants


Spati (I know how to spell it now!!!) scared, no, drilled the words into my head. He is scary. His laugh is like a bad-guys. I sat on that log and looked around. I decided that a nice thing to do would be to get something to apologize with. I got up and went into the dense forest. I pushed limbs and other greenery out of my way. I coughed at a very potent smell. Around a oak tree was a bunch morning glories. Ok, I thought. But not well enough. I passed them by. Then I came across a old stump. It was pretty how the mushrooms made shelves and the ivy looked like a roof. I picked some of the ivy and started weaving it into a crown. I finished it in a few minutes. Now it needed some flowers. I went back to the morning glories. I was picking some went I felt tiny bites on my legs. ANTS!!!!
"Ahhhh!!!!! Ants!!!" I ran. They followed me. They weren't like the one centimeter ones, but more like the two inch ones. Then I turned around swiftly. I had these gloves! I tried my hardest to make fire come out, but nothing came out! So I got on my knees and started smashing them.
"Agh!!!!! Why. Won't. You. Die?!" I yelled. Some of them started crawling up my hands, but I wiped them off.
"Fall. BACK!!!" I picked up the crown, but when I was running towards camp, I tripped. And I fell on the crown! I picked up the now smashed crown. I felt tears well up, but I wiped them away.
"Ohh...." I picked myself up and wiped off my over-alls. I shouldn't be crying! Cio does not cry! Well, that would be hypocritical, but more like I rarely cry. I sat back on the log and looked at the crown. A petal fell and a lot of the leafs were ripped.
"Man. This is bad!" I whispered. "Now how will Moonsong like me again..."
