Moonsong~A circle of pervertity

Cio is on my bad list. The Otherworlds is a complete world of perverts! First Spati, now Cio. Even though shes a girl, I still need my privacy! What next?
I have to say, this is the best stream i've found yet. Its littered in flowers which are great for sucking the oil out of your hair. It also makes your hair smell really good too. Theres trees all over the place and some are even canopying the stream so you can reach up and sit on one of the branches if you want when your ready to dry yourself. But i think for those few seconds it takes for me to pull myself up onto the branch and dry myself completely, i feel really vulnerable. Especially when theres a camp a few yards away...okay maybe a bit more, but imagine yourself in my place? So untill im absolutely positives nobodys looking, Im staying in the stream...and really thats fine with me.
I swear i thought i heard something. I immediately turned around, trying to cover my chest as much as possible. I admit im flat chested. But i still don't want no pervs looking there...and that brings me back to Spati. To sum it all up, we both had the same idea of taking a bath to wipe blood and guck off, luckily i was in my underware but its still very a bikini. I crinckled my nose at that thought. The HORROR of wearing a bikini. Eww. Anyways, we ended up taking a bath in the same lake. That must've been awkward your probaly thinking and your darn right.
I went back to my singing. Totally aware of someone watching me. I don't know who or where they were but i could feel a presense. It was a bright yellow mixed with gray. It was a very pretty aura, i just didn't know who it belonged too.

Oh, but i would find out. >:)
