Cio- But Wait! There's More!


Her whipping the ants off of me didn't scare me. I mean, I bet she is really talented and skilled at it, but what if she had hit me!? What is she moved it one inch too high and it slapped me?! All well. I didn't know what to do now. What is there to do? Moonsong would never like me again. She probably thinks I'm icky...
"Maaaannnn.... Now what????? I tried to make something pretty, but that didn't work out. Now what?" I rubbed the back of my neck. I heard something rustle in a bush.
"Holy cow! I think it's a bunny!" I ran after it. I jumped and leaped and even fluttered a bit with my tiny wings over obstacles to follow that darn bunny. It ran over wide fallen trees or flower beds or creeks with one tiny leap. I ran a little faster and tried to use my wings. No success that time. Maybe this? I leaped into the air and came to a skidding stop. The bunny just kept chugging along, never stopping. So why should I? Just because I fell means I should stop? No! I ran even faster. So I was right beside it. But that's when I heard cawing. A giant shadow came overhead and I could barely see. A big birdie came and grabbed me by my stomach. It was REALLY uncomfortable. I wiggled and squirmed. But was that effective? No; in fact, it actually made it's grip on me harder, which led to more uncomfortable-ness.
"Hey!!!! Anyone want to rescue me?!? It's freeeeeeeeee~eeeeee!" I yelled as it went higher. Soon I was too high to be heard. Snap. Well, now what? I sneakily plucked one of the pretty feathers from it's wings when it flapped. I struggled to take some string from my pocket and bind all the feathers together. Using my smarts to pass the time.
