Victor --- A Very Big Bird.

Victor had been strolling down a field filled with flowers. No one knew about this place, it was his alone.
Inhaling the sent of the sun filled grass and the multitudes of flower aromas he smiled. This was heaven. A patch of purple asters here, a grove of Dendrobiums there. The air was thick with the lulling sounds of honey bees' droning. He stooped down and plucked a sprig of shy Baby's Breath, and just as he was straightening up he heard a cry for help.
"Hey!!!! Anyone want to rescue me?!? It's freeeeeeeeee~eeeeee!"
The voice triggered some sense of protectiveness inside Victor's cold and calculated heart. Biting his thumb he leaped up into the air, his blood transforming into a red skateboard with little wings on the sides.
Victor soared higher and higher until he saw the source of the disturbance; a bird of gargantuan proportions had latched onto a little girl and was carrying her off to its nest.
Bending low, Victor accelerated, ripping his thumb open yet again; this time a dagger had materialized.
He jumped off his skateboard and landed on the giant bird, tearing into its feathery hide with his vicious dagger. The bird shrieked in rage and let go of the little girl. Making another leap, Victor recalled his skateboard and chased after the falling girl.
"GOTCHA!" He cried as his arm circled her waist.
The little girl looked at him, she was freaked out and trembling. It had all been so sudden that she had not even thought to use the wings on her back.
"Thanks" She mumbled in a shaky voice.
Victor frowned a little as they landed on a grassy hillock. She looked familiar with her red braid, overalls and rain boots. "Don't mention it, kiddo. You might want to get to your group. It's not safe for a little girl to be on her own over here." But the girl was not listening. She was too busy running back and forth "oooing" and "aaahing" over all the different flowers.
"THIS IS SO COOL." She turned her sparkley eyes on Victor "Did you make this, mister?"
Taken-aback, it took a short moment for Victor to comprehend the question, he wasn't used to having people talk like this to him; so unassuming and wholeheartedly. "Somewhat, I suppose. . .I mainly just let them grow." A small smile slid across Victor's thin pale face as he viewed the flowers.
"What's your name, Mister?" The little girl asked curiously.
"Oh, I'm. . .I'm Victor, Victor Graves."
