Spati- Where is Everyone?

I laid there, looking up at the stars. "Hm...sure is quiet. Hey Hela, lets fuse so my wound will heal.", I said as she walked over. "You sure you won't be mad about having me take over?", she said as I nodded. "Yeah, I think I'm use to being inside you as a spirit. Besides, you need to walk around to.", I said as we fused together and I went inside her mind. "Hehe, alright! I'm going to go look for Cio!", I laughed as I dusted off my dress and flew toward Cio's aura. When I got there, I immediately dove into the trees. "Why is Victor here?", I said to myself as I watched Maria, Victor, and Cio talking. I took a deep breath and jumped out toward them and landed behind Victor. "So, what's going on here, hmm Victor?", I said as I pushed my wings against his back to defend myself if he struck.
