Victor -- Great.

Fire on one side and Hela on the other, great. This is what happens when you try to be nice and save a little kind from a bloody big bird. Fantastic!
Victor looked disparagingly at the fire eating away the millions of flowers that he had taken care of for so long. All that beauty was lost, eaten by a hungry red flame.
"Now I remember why I hate children!" He hissed softly.
"What?!" Hela eyed him sharply, shielding herself from him with her numerous wings.
Sadness was welling up inside Victor's throat. All the animals and bees that called this meadow their home were probably being burnt to a crisp. The smoke surrounded them and Hela started choking. Smoke induced tears welled up in Victor's eyes, he had to get out of here.
He shot his hand backward, wincing as the fire licked his fingers. He drew his arm to his chest, his hand was bleeding profusely.
Twisting his fingers around the blood, he slowly shaped a large carpet out of the red liquid. Victor bit his lower lip, he he hadn't made anything on this scale in years. Using the last bit of blood, he made little hands using them to pull Maria, Hela, and Cio on the carpet. After that was completed he made a mad dash to the carpet, landing he yelled a command at it, and it began to rise in the air. It took so much effort to keep the carpet up in the air let alone to direct it and now he had three loud passengers. Cio was squealing in enjoyment, Hela was threatening him and Maria was asking him where the hell he was taking them.
Victor looked grimly at the ground below. Where could he land this? Ah! The was a clear spot on top of a grassy hill. He made a vicious curve down and sped up. Cio screamed.
"WE'RE GOING TO CRASH!!!!!!" She screeched. but just before the collided into the ground, Victor jerked the carpet up and landed it on the ground. It disappeared underneath the three girls and himself.
"WHERE ARE WE?!" demanded Hela.
"SAFE." Snapped Victor, wiping the grime away from his face as he ripped his wrist open and made his skateboard.
Cio looked queasily at him "Why are are you hurting yourself, Victor?" she asked, looking pale.
"It's fun." He grinned madly at her and stepped on his skateboard.
"Where do you think you're going?!" Demanded Hela and Maria in unison.
"To clean up the mess the kid made." And with that he soared toward the slanting sky.
