Victor -- Get Away

"Victor . . . I’m pregnant." Ji Soon's voice quavered, she looked unsure of herself as she stared at the ground.
"What? Why that's great! Oh my. . .I'm. . .holy. . ." Victor laughed. He felt elated. This was, this was . . . a miracle!
Ji Soon looked up at him, startled. "What?" She gasped. "You're happy?! But I don’t understand, why?"
“Why wouldn’t I be? This is fantastic news!”
Victor screamed. His throat burned. “Get away from me.” He looked wildly around at all the staring eyes. Why were they standing there? Why didn’t they leave? Victor hated people seeing him vulnerable, he couldn’t take this! He shakily stood up, everyone backed off just a bit. He smiled wryly, this was perfect.
“Why are you people helping me? I’m on the bad side, right? Why don’t you take your hypocritical concern and find that little girl who burned that field? She’s in far more danger than I am, I don’t need anyone’s help. I’m sick of WISHY WASHY people sticking their NOSE where it doesn’t BELONG.” Victor collected some of his last strength and closed his eyes. “Just leave me the hell alone. None of you can help; none of you should want to help; I’m fine on my own.” That was right; he was fine on his own. He had always been alone, why should it be any different now? These people were too damn nice. They shouldn’t be here helping him; they should be trying to stop Leon. Why didn’t they understand? You’re not supposed to help the evil side.
“You’re getting weak, Vicky.” Melissa had appeared again.
“SHUT UP!” Screamed Victor, angrily lashing out at the apparition, why was she torturing him now?
The onlookers glanced at each other, thinking that he’d finally cracked; they couldn’t see Melissa.
“Calm down, calm down” Victor mumbled over and over again. Suddenly the pain got worse, his whole body convulsed and his eyes started leaking blood. His left arm began to glow eerily, illuminating his rapidly healing body. His clothes started shifting around, fixing themselves, changing color. His right eye went from teal to red and back to teal. Victor breathed out a pale red cloud that engulfed his whole body.
Everyone had been so stunned by the sudden changes they had just stood there, watching. Suddenly a loud scream rent the late afternoon air. The blue smoke had dissipated leaving Victor standing there, all healed.
