Hela->Spati: Checking Camp

I didn't feel to good and was really tired and I couldn't find any herbs. I closed my eyes and went back inside Spati, letting him take over. "There should be some at camp.", I said as I walked toward the campsite. The air seemed tense as I entered and everyone looked my way. "What? Do I have something on my face?", I said as I stared at everyone. I stared at them and then it hit me. "Hehehe...OH, I see now...", I said. "So, who are the culprites?", I said as I stared at Ciel. They began to back away when I grabbed their shoulders. "OH come on, I'm not going to hurt you, just tell me what happened...hehehe...", I chuckled as they stared at me and I sat him down on a log.
