Victor -- Maria.

Victor glared into Maria's eyes. His body may have healed on the outside, but he could feel his insides burning up. Why was this girl contesting him? Why wouldn’t she leave him alone like everyone else always did?
“What do you want, girl?” He hissed. “I’m not in a good mood; I need to stop that fire. That little girl is probably in a hell of a lot more trouble than she can handle.”
“If you’re so evil then why are you trying to help her?” Demanded Maria smiling wickedly as she kept staring in his eyes. Victor could tell she was a stubborn one. He almost felt like smiling a little, Ji Soon had been stubborn and a little mulish.
“Fine, have your own way. I’ll leave it alone, I don’t really care anyway . . . and I have things to get to.” Victor turned quickly away so as to hide the spasm of pain that crossed his face. He needed to find some unsuspecting victim to prize some blood from. Sometimes being a vampire was far more trouble than it was worth.
“You’re a fool, Victor!” She snapped at him “a damn messed up fool!”
“So why are you bothering with me?” Asked Victor quietly, she was right, though he was messed up and no one could fix that.
