Maria~good question

“So why are you bothering with me?” Victor asked me.

I stared at his back. "No clue, Victor. Maybe I'm insane."

I had to hide a smile at this thought. From the way he was acting, you'd have thought that he had some claim on the insanity market, when, in fact, the whole of the Otherworlds was insane. There was Leon, with his mad plans to stop it. And then there was the rest of us, trying so hard to stop him, and failing at every turn. Surely, that was the definition of insanity.

I cut my musing short though, it wasn't going to help the situation here any. Healed as he was, Victor still seemed to be in pain.

"Drop the tough guy act, Victor" I said. "For whatever reason, I want to help you. So, let me help. What's wrong?"

Victor whirled and glared at me. I couldn't help but glare back and I let my earlier musing slip free.

"Do you think you're the only insane one around here?" I challenged. "What about those of us who are trying to stop Leon. I'd say that we're pretty nuts. So you're messed up, so what?"

Here, I reached out and touched his shoulder, and he flinched.

I sneered at him in response. "See, you're afraid. You're almost as big a coward as Tessa. Let others help you, maybe you could work on being less messed up then."
