
I stared at Victor. I was nice? I felt bad for him because it made me feel better?

Suddenly I barked out a laugh. It was all so stupid. Here I was trying to save someone who didn't want saving, and who was I to go against his wishes? By now I was laughing so hard my sides hurt and tears streamed down my face. He'd probably said those things to make me mad, but too me it was just funny. Tessa wouldn't have seen the humor, but I did.

"Maybe I do want to fix you, I gasped. I struggled to catch my breath. "And why are you so afraid of that, I wonder? Are you afraid I'll succeed? Could it be that you Want to be miserable. The more I talk to you, the more I think that you don't want to die, that you want us to beat Leon."

Victor stared at me, bug-eyed, but I pressed on. "Is that it, Victor, huh? You're trying to drive me away because you like being messed up?"
