Victor -- I Need to Get Out

I need to get out. That was the only thought racing through Victor's head as he looked at this girl; she was dangerous. Victor didn't like someone being able to read him like a book.
"I'm evil, I don't want to change. I don't need to change" Muttered Victor to himself. This was wrong. He knew full well that he wanted Leon to die for killing the woman he loved and his unborn baby, but he would never say it; he wanted to die, too, but more than that he wanted to belong somewhere and no one had seen that before now. Spati, Ghosti, Yuuki. . .they had all turned on him. Not that he could blame them; he was a bastard.
"I do like being messed up" He said finally "It helps me get through the day."
But before Maria could reply something came out of the air; Tomatsu had landed and he was carrying the badly injured Cio. Victor went as pale as a sheet of paper. Running he reached the animal seconds after it landed. "Oh no, no no no. Come on, I'll help you." Victor gently gathered Cio up in his arms, cradling her to his chest. He then freed one arm and pressed it onto her bleeding stomach and grimaced.
"What are you doing?" Maria asked softly.
"Blood transfusion." Victor managed to say, he had never done anything like this before, he didn't even know if he could; but he couldn't let this little girl die. It was probably stupid for him to do this in his condition, but he didn't care; all that was important right now was saving this child. Come to think of it, he didn't even know her name. . .
Just then Mia came pelting through the sky, landing a little wobbly on the grass beside her cat-like creature.
"What are you doing?!" She demanded.
"Helping, hopefully." Victor could feel it working. He could feel the child's organs aligning themselves, her capillaries and veins closing up; he could feel his blood being drained.
Gasping he yanked his hand away from the girl and trembled a little.
"Here!" He snapped, pushing the kid into Maira's arms. He needed to get away from here and try to find some new source of blood.
Victor stumbled off, dazedly.
Why did everything he touch turn to shit? This was another reason to stay with Leon; he didn't give damn what happened to that sod.
