Cio- Victor and Maria and Them


I felt dizzy. I opened my eyes and saw that a lady was holding me.
"Umm... Uhhh... M-mia, was it?" I stirred a bit. She looked relived to see me awaken.
"Oh! You're awake!" She embraced me, still in her arms. I rested my head on her.
"Where are Victor and Maria? Are they ok?" I felt nasty and damp. I was covered in blood. Oh. She nodded.
"Victor went away to get some... Stuff and Maria went after him."
"Oh... I'm really hungry. I'm going to... Uh... See Victor and uh... Thank him..." I squirmed too much and I fell out of her arms with a thud. Ow. That hurt, very, extremely badly. I was helped (more like picked up) by Mia. I got onto my feet a little wobbly.
"You are too weak to go anywhere. Why don't we just go back to camp?" She called this big cat thing over here and helped me onto it.
"Ughh... Why can't I see Victor? I want to thank him. I want to thank Maria. Where is she? I realllly want to thank you!!! Thank you!" I reached out to hug her but then my side hurt so I stopped. I held on to that kitty tighly. We were up in the air. This kitty can fly?! Wow. Even being up front but being away from it's chest, I can swear that I felt a heartbeat. I had a hard time keeping awake.
"I'm hungry. And tired. Can your magic kitty fix that?" I wiggled a bit. Yada, yada yada... I don't really remember what happened after that really. I remember getting back to the camp place. Then I kinda curled up in the corner and went to sleep. I'M STILL REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!
