Victor -- It's Necessary

All he could see was the red line of blood drip-dripping down Maria's wrist. This was pity, he knew it; but Victor also knew that being proud never got you anywhere.
Without even realizing what he was doing he leaned forward and pressed his lips against her arm. The blood coursed down his throat, filling it with the nasty metallic taste of blood; he loved it so.
Maria gasped, and almost drew back. Victor closed his eyes; his body was flooded with warmth. That was enough; he lifted his head and looked the girl in her eyes.
"Are you satisfied now?" He asked silkily. "Am I some stray dog you feel that you have to feed?"
Victor looked down, not wanting to face her. “Still, I’m in your debt.” He felt bad for acting like such an ass, but he didn’t really know how to be nice anymore. Well, that wasn’t true; he could be nice if he needed something or wanted something, but returning kindness for kindness wasn’t something he was used to. It made him feel foolish.

Sorry for the lame drawing. >>;;
