Leon- Checking in

Leon sat there in the fort waiting for any sign from Victor but nothing came. "Where is he?", Leon said to himself as he sighed and stood up. He walked out of the fort with his gun and dashed toward the woods. "Might as well check with the group.", he laughed as the light of the campfire approached. Leon stopped and watched behind some trees. "Well, now why is Victor here?", he whispered as he checked his steel wires and drew his gun. "Heh...oh well, I'll find out soon. Now then...", he said as he stepped out from the trees and everyone jumped. "Sooo, how's it going heroes? And you Victor, when did get all friendly with them?", Leon said. "I see Asuka isn't back yet...figured that girl, what's her name...Hela, would have brought her back.", Leon scoffed as he aimed the gun at the group. "Doesn't matter. "Now then, who to shoot first?", Leon said as he aimed at the heroes.
