
Leon lept back as Spati attacked him. "Hey brother, so how's the wound?", Leon said as he kicked Spati and flew into a rock. "Why are you here?", Spati said as he got up and swung his scythe. "No reason...but now I think I do.", Leon said as he glanced over at Maria. Leon fired the gun and nailed Spati in the corrosion. Spati stumbled, but was able to knock away the gun. Yuuki struck and Leon flew into the air and landed hard in the trees. It was quiet as the trees made no noise. "Was that it?", Maria said as she looked at Victor and then at Cio. "Third time.", Leon said as he walked out of the trees with his head in his hands. He sighed and stuck it back on his neck. "What the...", Maria said as Leon appeared before her and kneed her in the gut. She stumbled and Leon grabbed her. Everyone leaped at him but were caught by the steel wires and suspended in mid-air. "Now then, Maria is your name right?", Leon said as he looked at Victor. "What are you planning?", she scoffed at Leon and he smiled. "I've got something to ask.", Leon said. "What?", she replied. "How would you like to join me? I could use your help, your abilities could help us. I could also help you with controlling both of your and Tessa's powers. So what do you say, hm?", Leon smirked as Maria looked at him. "Oh and by the way, if you refuse then I'll just deal with little Cio over there!", Leon laughed. "That's a new low Leon!", Spati shouted. "Shut it brother.", Leon scoffed as he tightened the steel wires on everyone.
