
Leon looked over at Cio and smiled. Everyone looked shocked. "Don't do it Cio!", Moonsong shouted as Leon sneered. "Well now, this is quite unexpected!", Leon laughed. "What's your power?", he said as Cio walked closer. "Sun. Fire shoots from my gauntlets.", she replied. "I see, but your aura is blocked so you don't really know how to use it yet. Alright then!", Leon said as he released Victor and Maria continued to struggle. "Victor, sorry for the gunshot, I didn't expect to miss. Please take Cio here to the fort and treat her wounds and make her feel at home. I'll be there shortly.", Leon said as Victor looked at Maria. "Victor, don't do it!", she shouted. "Remember, you owe me!", she continued. "Owe? Victor, since when have you gone soft and started to owe favors?", Leon said. "She healed me.", Victor said. "That's not an excuse that the Victor I know would say. There's more isn't there? Remember Victor, I don't tolerate treason...that is an evil which I must rid the world of.", Leon said as he looked at him, then at Maria, then at Cio.
