
I took off after Victor, Cio, and Leon, as fast as I could go. I had been wiling to go, because I was confident that I could make an escape later. "Wherever Cio and Victor go, so do I" I said. Leon seemed miffed, apparently I was no longer interesting, bud didn't stop me. And, of course, I had no intention of helping him, or of letting Cio or Victor aid him either.

After a longish flight, we landed and Leon turned to Victor. "Show our guests to their rooms, Victor."

Victor nodded and motioned for Cio and me to follow him. We dropped Cio off, then Victor led me to a tiny room, hardly big enough for me to pace about in. When he turned to leave, I grabbed his elbow.

"Think about what I said before, Victor. You'll never find what you really want serving Leon."
