Moonsong~Time flys

Omg. Time flys REEEEALLLY quickly. One moment, i was about to slap Ciel, and the next Leon takes Cio away!
I didn't know what to do. I sank to my knees. I couldn't do anything and he just took Cio away. Shes the same age as Luna! I slowly rang the water out of my cloths. I was wearing my underware. I know what your thinking but not like that. Its like underware that goes over your underware. My plain brown tee was cut about my stomach and i was wearing matching shorts. Cute but not the definition of style.
Back to the point, i stuffed my cloths in my backpack and checked on my sword. I only needed that to destroy the magic leeches in parts of the Otherworlds. I checked on Spati to see how he was holding up with his corrosion injury. It was getting worse. Then i checked on everybody else. Kinda a habit. When i looked over at Ciel he was looking at me. He smiled sheepishly and i glared at him. Now i know who has a bright aura. Now that i think about it, Spati and Ciel are like opposites. But...opposites attract right?
Mayura had walken over to me. Luna had sidled up as well. She leaned on Mayura. Then she just walked off. Where was she going?

Everyone was quiet. Finally i sat up. "Mayura, i want you to go check on Luna." She opened her deep black wings and took off. Me, in the meantime, opened my wings. They flashed millions of colors. I jumped in the air, hovering a moment, and went in the direction of Leon and Victor. I swear, for a vampire, im going to be the one tasting his blood. I could see Ciel and Spati following my example, Yuuki had morphed her wings and took off as well and Mia went on Tomatsu? Is that it? I still thought it was creepy how much he looked like Mayura. Was that everyone? And i was already thinking a plan in mind. Plan it. If that didn't work. Plan B, everyone would get out okay...except me but that was okay.


Without a word, i had scampered off. I wanted to help just like everyone else. But i didn't know how! My only good was spying without getting caught. So thats what i was going to do. Mayura had came up and i was glad. It was a night without a full moon so i couldn't fly. I didn't want anyone catching me. I didn't have fire that came out of my hands like Cio. I still didn't even know what i could do.
