Moonsong~I...really don't want to go here

When everyone reached the castle and landed, i could feel my legs turn to jello. I tripped and scraped my knee. Just for a second, i wished i was back outside of the Otherworlds, with someone holding me. Who...was it again?
A flash burned my head and i screamed. flash There it was again, someone was holding me was just a shadow. After a second it was gone. Someone asked me if i was allright, i just nodded slowly, afraid that if i did any more, the burning would come again.
Once i gathered myself off the ground, the door of Leon's awful fort creeped open. My gut had a wierd feeling. Like when i was about to aproach one of those machines Leon had made...
When we entered, my heart felt like screaming. I hated this place. And im telling you when i say hate im putting a lot of emotion in it. I braced myself for the room covered in blood. And somewhere in this room, i caused my friends to bleed. I felt cold. Where was my friends?! Where did they go! They came in behind me!...right? flash i was reliving the scene again. There i was. eyes yellow and blank. Spati,Ghosti...and my other friends attacking me. Then the other me spread its arms and blood splattered all over my friends. Then i was back. Spati, Ciel, Yuna and Mia were looking at me carefully. I put on a fake smile and said i was fine. Then i walked right into the room. My cat walk on, i just hope they didn't notice i was shaking and i had tears in my eyes. I hate this place and that damn Leon!! How dare he make me do that to my friends!!!
