Victor -- Held Breath

"You have to get away from here." Victor whispered fiercely grabbing the two girls' hands and walking quickly away. "This is NO place for the two of you."
"NO!" Cio yanked her hand out of Victor's and glared at him. "Why are you being such a meanie? Leon's a nice guy!" Her face had gone sullen and she had begun to pout.
Victor sighed and knelt down so he was looking her in the eyes. "Listen Cio, you have to trust me; this Leon is not a very nice person; here, let me tell you a story about Leon and how we met. No one knows Leon's real name, not even him; he took the name Morte when he was 10 years old. Back then we went to the same school and we were best friends, he . . . he was a good kid." Victor stopped for a moment and swallowed hard; "we were best friends until we met Ji Soon. After she came into our group Leon and I seemed to drift apart until one day I didn't even know him."
"How?" Asked Cio, very interested.
"Well you see, Ji Soon and I were in love and I think Leon felt as though Ji Soon was stealing away his best friend. It wasn't true, though! I loved him, he was my man. . .until he snapped. I found out that Ji Soon was going to have a baby; I was so excited, I had to tell someone, so I told Leon."
"A baby!" Cio interjected, "you have a BABY?" She smiled widely "I'd like to meet it, is it a boy or a girl?!"
"See, that's the thing, Cio. I never found out."
"What? How?"
"The baby died before it was born - no, the baby was murdered before it even had a chance to live. Two weeks later Ji Soon was put to death, and the man who killed her was my best friend; Leon."
Cio gasped in horror "but why?!" Her lip was trembling, it looked as if she was about to cry.
"I don't know; but you see I was so angry I hurt Leon terribly. He fled to the human world where he became Leon, Spati's older brother. I don't know what happened there, but he became even more warped. By the time I saw him again he tried killing everyone. So you see; he's not a nice person, Cio." Victor finished quietly, holding in all the pain he felt from retelling that story.
"But why are you on his side?" She asked defiantly.
"Because I am not a nice person, Cio; he is going to end the world and when he does that he is going try and kill me, he'll probably succeed, too, but not before I kill him."
