Maria~Victor's story

I stared at Victor as he told us about Leon's past--and his own. I could all but feel the pain rolling off of him as he spoke. When he got to the part about his murdered child, I touched his shoulder, but he pulled away and continued speaking.

When he finished, Cio and I stared at him. Finally, I found my voice. "Come with us" I said. "We can fight Leon together."

But Victor shook his head. "I can't"

"Yes you can" I protested.

Suddenly, Tessa moved to come forward. It hurt, and I dropped to my knees. In my head, I wrestled with her for a few moments before finally shoving her back in her corner. When I opened my eyes again, Victor and Cio were both staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Your hair kept changing from white to black and back to white again" he told me.

I grinned, "Oh, that would be Tessa. She was trying to take control again, the idiot."
