Leon- Harsh

"And trying to kill your group makes me a bad guy?", Leon said with a smile. ""Yes, it does.", Maria said harshly. "Now see, you're wrong there! It's simple to be a nice guy and still kill...after all, isn't that basically what your group has become, a group of nice people who kill?", Leon said with a grin. Maria was silent. "Anyways, I picked you out from the group because you're different. You're not the goody-nice person like they are, you suppress Tessa who is weak and you know it.", Leon rambled. "Shut up!", Maria said. "Now lets be reasonable, we're all outcasts! You, me, Victor, and even Cio! We're looked down upon, we are strong and thrive upon that, so don't tell me that you don't want power, to become stronger than you could ever be if you sided with those do-gooders?", Leon said, a twisted grin spread across his face.
