Maria~Easier said than done

I looked at Victor. "Mind telling me where the medical room is, Victor?"

He just stared at me and I laughed. "Oh, don't worry, she'll be fine once I reabsorb her--which I will, as soon as I get her there. Now, come on. Lead the way."

When Victor started walking, I hauled Tessa's limp form up off the floor and carried her after him. Maybe now she'd shut up and let me do my job. It was clear to me now, that Leon's operation had to be taken out from the inside. If I could, I'd enlist Victor and Cio to help me, but if not, I had every intention of doing everything I could to sabotage him. Of course, he was smart enough to suspect that, so I'd have to make him trust me--as much as someone like that could trust anyone.

While I was lost in thought, Victor stopped. "Here it is" he said, and I walked into the medical room. I placed Tessa's lip form on the table, then looked at Victor. "Do you know how Leon monitors this place?" I asked.

Without waiting for him to answer, I placed one hand on Tessa's forehead, and merged us, locking her psyche into the back of mine. When she came to, I warned her that I wasn't above pounding her again, should she do anything to blow my cover.

Once that was settled, I turned back to Victor. "Any chance I could get soome food? I'm starved."
