Leon- a little help

Leon lead Cio out of the kitchen and into a large cavern filled with crystals and a spring in the middle. "Whoa!", Cio said as she walked around. This is where you'll do your training, and where I will help you when I can.", Leon said as she looked at the gloves. "But what if I hurt you?", she said worried. Leon laughed hard at this. "Oh Cio don't worry, you can't hurt me.", Leon said as Cio looked at her gloves. "Now first is to meditate, try to create a small flame.", Leon said as he sat down. "How will I do that?", Cio said as she sat down in front of him. "When you meditate, the crystals in here in recycle you energy and by doing that, you'l have an infinite amount while in here, so all you have to do is concentrate.", Leon said as Cio closed her eyes.
