Cio- Meditation, Meditation, Medication


I was a little mad when Leon laughed. I'm strong! I'll show him! I sat down in the middle and looked at him.
"What now?" I asked. He smiled.
"Just relax and focus on creating a small fireball." I closed my eyes softly and crossed my legs. I thought about fire; how it works and burns and lives and creates. How it can hurt forests, but also create new life of them. I felt my hand get hot. It's working?!, I thought. At first, I thought this wasn'tt going to work... I thought about my hands. they didn't burn with the intense heat or didn't blister with the pain. I actually didn't really feel any pain at all. It felt tired, not from using my powers, but from standing in the same place of so long. One time I had to sit in a chair for 5 or so hours, perfectly still, while someone took my portriat... It sucked!!! I slowly rose from the ground. I opened my eyes. The ball of fire was big, bigger that I thought it was. It was like a big beach ball, minus the stripes and fun factor. I got a little scared. I felt a little cold sweat build up.
"Eh..." I took a shallow breath.
"Relax," Leon's voice was calm. "It's just there. Don't be afraid of a little fire."
"A little?!" I yelled back. Had he not seen this thing?! I took a step back as it got a little bigger. That's when I stepped and slipped on a crystal. I let my hands catch me, but my fireball flew forward, and towards Leon.
"Leon!!!!" I yelled at I fell back. He just put his hand out and stopped it. Like it was nothing, no sweat, no fear. I picked myself up off of the spiky ground.
"I guess I had nothing to worry about." I giggled.
