Cio- Training


... Has he lo- Never mind. He did make sense, well once he explained it. I sat down on the spring. I looked at him.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" I said, kinda quietly.
"I'm sure it will." He smiled. I flinched when the water came down on me. It was a little cold, like something out of the tap or a hose. It came rushing out fast, and reamained at that constant speed. Ugh, just... Focus on... Oh, I can do it! It told myself. Not much of a help though. I could see a blury Leon in the backround. I focused like I did on the fireball. The crash of water was no match for my super-duper focusing skills!!! I took it a bit more faster to keep the fire going. It was small and hard to keep lit. Ah!!! Why isn't this working?! I relaxed a bit in the thought of failing... But that's when the dang-most crazest thing ever happened: THE FIRE GOT BIGGER WITH ME RELAXING! What...? It this like, intentional saracasm or something!? This is... No matter. I just kept relaxed, and maybe still mad, but it kept the fire going. Water got into my ears. I kinda shook my head, but that was no help whatsoever.
"AAAAAGGHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled under the water. Then, it got really hot. Then, there was no water. It was almost all gone. What did I do?! I was moist and damp and it was hard to breathe with all this steam. I looked at Leon.
"Can I get some dry clothes on?" I'm not a big fan of wearing wet clothes.
