
"You sound like the Queen in the wizards of Oz. Follow the yellow brick road, hehehehe." Then i lowered my tone. " visions just showed someone holding me, i have no idea who and also...the replay of when you had me under your control."
"Ah, that was good times. And we're going to have a lot more of them. Then he put his hand on the back of my neck and whispered something in my ear. I think it was "Heres your body back, i need you Moonsong, continue to live your destiny." My last thought before i fell asleep was "Like that was going to happen. I woould NOT turn against my friends again, even if he drains every last drop of blood from me." Don't ask me why i thought he would do that, it just...came to mind. Where a bunch of other things came along. Is it possible to scream while your asleep...well you do now.
