Leon- Giving chase

Leon grabbed Moonsong before she hit the ground. "Now that she's asleep, I think here is a good time to wrap this up.", he said as he stepped back with Moonsong over his shoulder. "Maria, Cio, please entertian them until I return.", Leon said as he disappeared around the corner. "LEON!", Spati shouted as he slid past Maria and Cio and into the hallway after Leon. "What's the matter brother? Afraid that I might hurt Moonsong?", Leon said as he lured Spati down the halls. "Show yourself Leon!", Spati shouted. "Come on out so I can rip out your voice box!", he shouted as he rounded a corner and found Leon standing at the base of a staircase. "Follow me brother! Up to the roof!", Leon laughed as he ran up the stairs.
