Moonsong~Nightmarish Dreams


A girl with streaming white hair in pigtales and a halter top came out of the school. And smiled at a boy. "Hey Leon, waiting for me?" She said. "Little late getting out here" he replied. "Your coffees cold."
"When do you have time to get coffee." She laughed. He winked at her and they walked to there favorite place, underneath the cherry blossem tree. The girl spotted someone already there. "Hey Spati. What ya doin?"


Moonsong was lying on soft grass. It felt like caramel. Sticky yet smooth and in long strips. As she opened her eyes, a young man with long dark hair said something to her. Her eyes widened and she jumped up, ready to defend herself from this monster. Unfortunetly she stumbled and fell back on the ground. "Monster!" She called. "No, no, im not a monster. My names Spati, whats yours?"


Moonsong was watching as Leon shot Spati, her eyes widened and she started screaming. Leon turned around and smiled at her. "See this is what happens, when people get in my way." "Monster!" she cried. Moonsong had tears streaming through the blood on her face. She just watched, she was bound in chains, helpless to do anything. "Now, i need another dose of your power." Leon said. "You still don't see that it matches perfectly with mine." He chuckled and pointed the gun and Spati again, "Come on and give it now."


I woke up looking at Leon. He was carrying me in a dark hallway. "Have a sweet dream, Xeon?"
