
I walked into a small, dark room with monitors against the right wall. "This is it, I guess.", I said as I sat down and activated the six monitors. I put some glasses on since I have trouble seeing the screen and I got to work. I opened up maps, schedules, floor plans, equations, and other data that was stored here. "Alright now, where are the rooms located?", I said to myself as I the orb that was used a the mouse and the facility map shrank down to show four hallways. "Good, now to just zero in on the floor plans...", I drifted as I spun the orb and switched to an eye-line view of the hallways. I haqd to go in and rewrite the search code in order to be able to see the specific rooms. Finally, I found and marked Maria's room, along with Moonsong's, Victor's, and my own. After that, I pulled up a map of the surrounding area and split it up into a 3D layered model. "Now that I have this, I should get to work.", I said as I spun to a serperate group of computers and began running tests on the artificial creation of the machines and demons here.
