Cio- Age


Lorren... Is not human? He's... A spirit? A dark one in fact. I don't think... That we'll get along smooth and clear. Why? I am a 'user' of light and he's a dark death master. Who wants to go into Yuuki's dark crystal. I get that. It's like... Shoes. We need their presence, but not greatly depend on it. Like a semi you-scratch-my-back-I'll-kinda-do-yours relationship. I looked over at the sound of crunching grass.
"What's wrong?" Yuuki got down on her knees.
"I don't want to talk about it... Go away... Ugh..." I rolled over.
"What is it? Come on, tell me." She rolled me back over.
"This has recently came to my attention that I'm like 8. Or 7. I can't remember. But anyways, I have been hanging around much older people, and I kinda feel out of place. I don't want to be the only meatball in the greatest spagetti ever (). I want do older, to be exact... But I won't whine."
"Well Luna is the same age as you, what about her?"
"I don't care about her... But off that note, you should really do that thing with that dudlie. It's good to do 'bad' things for 'bad' people in a 'bad' place!" I joked. "Get it???? Hehe. I'll really try not to whine, and life for me ain't been no crystal stair."
"Ha. Ha. You're so funny Cio." Yuuki stood up.
"I'll be around wherever." I waved to her without looking.
