
I adjusted my new headband on my head and said to Spati "Who said anything about people dying?" Then i looked up at him and continued. "The Otherworlds has like a mind of its own. It drew us here somehow chose each one of us and is still choosing. I don't think that we can die untill our job is done. Think of Luft. He died because he no longer had the will to fight. Ill bet you anything its because the Otherworlds no longer thought he was needed."
I lost my serious face and smiled at Spati. "And your right. Working with the enemy is the best way to fight the enemy. I never do look ahead, do I?"
I saw the slightest smiled flicker across Spati's mouth. "And anyways," I got up and walked over to where he was leaning against the wall. "The dreams i have, always involve you. Does that tell you something?"
And i leaned over and kissed Spati on the lips. One second...two seconds...three seconds then i pulled back and walked out of the room. Im going to do some exploring with a skip in my step and a song in my soul. Cheesy i know. Hehe!
