Maria~New face (Intro Skylar)

After a while, it became obvious that Victor wasn't going to play along with my game, so I turned to leave. "Spati and Moonsong are here" I said as I left to continue my exploring. I really didn't feel like testing my strength against Victor right now, and he looked like he was ready to clock me good, debt or no.

Moving on, I decided to risk exploring deeper in, since I'd come this far already, I didn't see the point in stopping. I passed several of what looked like empty operating theaters and several more rooms that I didn't know what to call. As far as the latter went, I figured that the less I knew the better I'd be.

I was about to give up and turn around, when I sensed an aura. It was faint, but I'd never smelled or seen it before, so I followed it. My nose led me to a lab, and I pushed the door open. There, on a table, lay a guy. He had dark purple hair, and raven wings--Actually, I had to admit that he was kind of cute. One of Leon's experiments, maybe? If he was, I didn't envy him one bit.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I walked over and touched his shoulder. The fact that I could see his aura told me that he was alive, so I shook him gently.

"Hey, wake up."

He opened his eyes and I saw that they were a dazzling shade of neon green.

"Who are you?" I asked, watching him warily as he sat up.

"I'm...Skylar" he said, pausing in the middle as he slid to the ground. "And who might you be?" He asked with a wink, which would have made Tessa blush.

"My name is Maria" I said easily, smiling at him, noticing his fangs. Well, he certainly looked interesting...

"What do you say we get out of this lab?" I asked. "I'm rather new here and I was just doing some exploring--want to come along?"
