Maria~internal debate takes on a whole new meaning...

I walked out of the lab, Skylar following close on my heels. I was glad to go--that place gave me the creeps, much like the rest of this fortress of Leon's. We walked for quite a while, and the silence was starting to get to me, so I asked, "How did you get here, Skylar?"

He shrugged.

"Leon made me--I think."

I groaned. That was not what I needed to hear right now. It was bad enough that Spati and I had to pretend to be on Leon's side, so we could bring him down, but this...

I briefly considered trying to kill Skylar, but found I couldn't do it. "He isn't to blame for the circumstances of his existence" Tessa's voice whispered inside my head. I shrugged, not really feeling like arguing her point.

Finally, my stomach growled, and I turned a corner, ready to head back to find the kitchen.

"Are you hungry, Skylar?"
