Yuuki~Lost kid

In the morning Cio wasn't there. I quickly hurried to camp but the only tent I saw was Lorren's. I walked inside and saw the crystal Lying on the floor.I went over and picked it up, looking for anything out of the ordinary.
"Lorren are you in there?" I asked feeling quite silly
"shut up." was the response I got
"what did you say! I can smash this!"
"I'm tired, Yuuki, let me rest the energy level is at zero.It will take about a week for me to replenish it, so unless you're going to die don't use it" and with that the crystal turned off leaving me pissed.I took off running
"Cio where are you! Don't hide, If your hiding I'll kick your butt into next week!" But Cio was gone.I was alone in the middle of nowhere with a good for nothing crystal. My shapeshifting ability was gone and all I could do was work my way toward the last place I left my group.At least I still have my magic and my bow.I thought to my self
"Man! But I don't want to walk to Leon's!" I wailed as I began to head north.
"But I need help if I'm going to find Cio. Maybe everyones still there?". If anyone was watching me they might have thought I was crazy, oh but I guess I am. 3 days is a long time to walk.
Hey if anyone wants to meet up with me that would be great!...Please?
