Maria~Not really working too well

I listened, gritting my teeth, as Skylar demanded that Leon release me. I could have told him that it wouldn't work, but I kept my mouth shut. It was better he learn now, that Leon wouldn't listen to anyone, let alone one of his experiments.

Predictably enough, instead of letting me go, Leon tightened the wires around me, and I could feel them cutting me. I bit my tongue, trying not to make a noise. Skylar didn't need to be worried about me right now.

A small part of me wondered why,if he couldn't be killed, Leon bothered immobilizing me. Unless, of course, he feared my destructive abilities more than he was willing to let on? What if he was afraid that I would get strong enough that I'd destroy him for good, and, not being able to tell, wasn't willing to risk that I had.

A smile crept across my face, and Leon looked confused, then laughed, as he cut Skylar down.

"NO!" I yelled, and kicked, and tried to force the coils of wire away from my body.

To my surprise, Leon let me go. I ran to Skylar, and let Tessa out as Leon walked away, confident that he had taught us a lesson.

From inside her head, I watched as Tessa healed Skylar, and my heart ached as he opened his beautiful green eyes, and blinked in confusion.

