Tessa/Maria~Alone time?


"You could give us some alone time" Skylar said, and suddenly I was outside. What had just happened? What had Skylar done to me? It had been like my legs moved of their own will and just walked me outside without my consent. I tried to get back in, but my body wouldn't cooperate with me.

I tried to Call out to Maria, and when I couldn't I walked away down the hall, figuring that she'd be all right. She was the "strong" one after all, though, after seeing her with Skylar I wasn't so sure.

I had a vague idea of finding Spati, or Hela, or whichever one of them was in control now and talking with them. Victor was right about one thing. There was definitely something wrong with Skylar, and now I regretted convincing Maria to leave him alive.


After Tessa left, I looked Skylar over. "Skylar whats wrong...Did Victor hurt you?" I asked him, a bit worried.

Instead of answering, he pulled away from me and caught my eye with his.

"He likes you...a lot" he said, and I shrugged, too taken aback for words.

"I'm not to sure your worth fighting for yet. Ive only seen you with like 4 people so im not to sure you dont have other admirers. Also...It looks like hes already claimed you" Skylar said, then fell silent.

I stared back at him. "Victor's claimed me? I guess you could say that--I saved his life, and he thinks he's in my debt now, and, as far as I know, that's all there is to it."

I sighed then looked Skylar in the eye.

"Look, if I'm not your type, you can tell me you know. I'm not that fragile. But if it's just other people you're worried about...or is it that I'm moving too fast for you?"
